Sapling Class

Our Children

Welcome to Sapling Class

We hope you enjoy reading all about our brilliant class and all the learning we will be doing during the time your child is a Sapling!

Saplings change and grow faster than you can believe. They can bend in the wind but have have strong roots and before you know it they are fine young trees. We try to be exactly the same; learning to grow and change, developing all the time by building on what we already know and surprising you with how far we have come.

In Sapling class, Years 3 and 4 work together under the direction of the class teacher Mr Murray, with the support and help of Mrs English. Together they make sure that we have access to a rich and varied curriculum with support and encouragement wherever necessary. We look after one another and always try to do our best.

You can see all of the subjects and what we will be learning about on the curriculum offer below or for more detailed information on all the subjects that are taught at Stockcross please click here.

Thank you for visiting our page!

Information and links to useful websites.